Looking for a Wedding Photographer? Here’s Our List of Top 10!
Last Updated on September 14, 2022 by
If you are getting married soon, one of the most essential elements is to find the perfect wedding photographer. Your photographer is the one who is responsible for all the memories for years to come. Therefore, it is an extremely important decision and it, no doubt has to be super well thought out. There are some really great photographers out there these days so you really don’t have a limit on the options. What matters is which photographer matches your vibe and understands your vision. There have to be certain criteria you have in mind, from the kind of pictures to the budget and the number of events you wish to have covered. What also matters is whether you wish to opt for more candid photography or the traditional kinds. So keeping all these factors in mind, go ahead and pick out the best-suited team for you out of this brilliant list of photographers in the country.
Twogether Studios
Source: Twogether Studios Instagramย
Chances are you have already heard of them! Twogether studios majorly specialises in Candid photography. They exhibit tremendous creativity in their work and sure know how to weave a visual story. They do take limited weddings in a year so as to be able to give their full attention and care to the existing projects they have. From event photography toย pre wedding photography, they cover it all in beautiful colourful ways. Of course they also offer amazing film making services too incorporating lovely cinematic shots that you are sure to fall in love with. Best part being they almost create a blockbuster out of your wedding, who wouldn’t want that! Be ready to have some of the real wedding moments captured and probably even get a quirky and cute name for your wedding film.
The Photo Lab
Source: The Photo Lab Instagramย
Another great name when it comes to Indian wedding photography, The Photo Lab or TPL is based in Mumbai. They too offer some stellar, top-notch photography, so we are very sure you will not be disappointed with their work at all. As they say, they love to keep their work all-natural, so if you are someone who loves having those real and raw moments captured reach out to them. They have a beautiful way of letting the couple’s connection shine through the photos and we think that’s really the best part. After all, the pictures should be able to show the love you guys have no?
Magic Weavers
Source: Magic Weavers Instagramย
True to their name, Magic weavers sure know how to create magic with your wedding photos and film. When it comes to filmography you can see some really grounded elements and grand shots of your pre or post-wedding movie. They use your real stories through your wedding and we sure think that’s rather important. When it comes to experience, they have covered over 250 weddings and have travelled to quite a few countries. They are based in Mumbai, so make sure you check them out.
Celebrity Wedding Photographer – Reels & Frames
Source: Reels & Frames Instagramย
Rana Daggubati, Sonam Kapoor, and Akash Ambani are just some of the names in Reels & Frames’ portfolios. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. This award-winning photography company has travelled to over 18 countries and captured over 250+ weddings. They are based in Mumbai but as one can say, they’d travel the world for you. Not only is their portfolio illustrious but extremely beautiful as well. So trust them to capture your wedding as beautiful as it can be!
Vintage Films Photography
Source: Vintage Films Photography Instagramย
If you love creatively curated and beautifully moody colours for your pictures then this is the wedding photographer for you! Vintage films as the name suggest surely love creating that vintage vibe through their photos and videos. They beautifully capture emotions in their creatively curated shots! Be it photography or filmography they can offer some tremendous work in both. So go ahead and get in touch with them for your dreamy marriage photoshoot!
Celeb Wedding Photographer – Stories by Joseph Radhik
Source: Stories by Joseph Radhik Instagramย
We are very sure youโve probably heard this name. Joseph Radhik has covered some of the really big B-town weddings from Anushka Sharma to Varun Dhawan and more. Their portfolio is testimony enough to their work and you are undoubtedly going to fall in love with what they have to offer. With multiple awards, more than 450 weddings and having covered over 35 countries, they are sure creating some beautiful stories of weddings, so you sure want to check them out.
Shutterdown Photography
Source: Shutterdown Photography Instagramย
Another well-known and award-winning team of photographers, Shutterdown photos sure knows how to capture those beautiful emotions. They offer exquisite filmography to photographs to cherish for a lifetime. They are based in Delhi but of course open to travelling. So Delhi folks if you are looking for someone from the city, they would definitely be a good idea to consider. They definitely offer some stellar indian wedding photography.
Omega Productions
Source: Omega Productions Instagramย
Another Delhi-based brilliant team of photographers, Omega productions sure know how to capture the grand moments of your wedding in an even grander fashion. From exquisite pre-wedding shoots to beautifully captured post-wedding shoots, the Omega team offers it all. We are sure you are going to love their work and their fresh take on story-telling.
House on the Clouds
Source: House on the Clouds Instagramย
We are sure you recently must have heard this name quite a lot. Yes, they captures the RanAlia wedding and we don’t need to point out exactly how beautiful their work was. This award-winning team of photographers and videographers have an amazing portfolio and has travelled the world over. You find a lot of traditional rootedness in their work and if you are about that then this is the company for you.
Dipak Studios
Source: Dipak Studios Instagramย
One of the older names in the industry, Dipak studios offers some stunning photography and videography for your big day. Not only do they offer pre and post-wedding work but also if you wish for maternity or baby photos, you can reach out to them. Trust them to make your big day special with their amazing work.
These were just some of the amazing Indian photographers you could consider for your big day. Make sure you make a well-thought-out choice! For more on wedding planning and styling, get in touch with us at Styl Inc.
Stay tuned to Styl Inc. Blogs for more wedding styling.
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